How can I improve my skin texture without surgery or downtime?

By Gregory Lewen, MD

How can I improve my skin texture without surgery or downtime?

The fear of surgery can be a turnoff to patients when they believe it may be their only option to attain a more youthful appearance. Fortunately, with new radiofrequency technology, we are now able to achieve results similar to a traditional facelift without the extensive downtime of going under the knife.

Am I candidate for Morpheus8?

Everyone with skin is a candidate for Morpheus8! The radio-frequency technology does not see color. Since the radiofrequency is emitted under the top layer of skin through channels created by the microneedles, the risk of hyper and hypopigmentation are virtually none. The colorblind technology even allows us to treat the darkest of skin tones! If you struggle with large pores, loss of skin elasticity and collagen growth, crepiness, volume loss, fine lines, cellulite, acne scars or scars in general, you are a candidate to receive the Morpheus8 treatment.

Will Morpheus8 affect my Rosacea?

A common question we get when doing procedures like Morpheus8 or other treatments such as IPL (intense pulse light) revolve around the treatment affecting Rosacea or making it worse. Morpheus8 along with IPL actually help to bring the baseline of Rosacea down. While it will not eliminate Rosacea completely, you will see positive results from treatments with reduced redness and more infrequent outbreaks.

How does Morpheus8 work?

Morpheus8 works to target the deeper layers of your epidermis, aka the building blocks of youthful skin. The underlying layers of skin are what produce collagen which keeps your skin bright, tight, and looking right! Overtime, however, your building blocks start to decrease collagen production. This can happen as early as the age of 25!! When the building blocks are targeted through radiofrequency, they are stimulated, which in turn allow for new collagen production and skin tightening. Morpheus8 will give the boost needed turn back the clock and will be a staple in your anti-aging regimen!

What is the difference between micro-needling and micro-needling with radiofrequency?

Generic micro-needling devices only go to one set depth in the skin limiting areas of concern being fully addressed, and overall, only scratching the surface of the skin. Esthetician’s and micro-pens alike only go about 0.3 mm into the skin. With Morpheus8, we are able to control the depth of the needle anywhere from 0.5 mm to 5 mm dependent on area treated, thickness of skin or scar, and pigment in skin. In addition to controlling the depth of channels created, radiofrequency is emitted once the needles have entered the skin. The heat from the radiofrequency targets the collagen, shrinks the fat, and tightens skin leaving you with a youthful contour otherwise not achievable through a basic micro-needling treatment.

How many treatments will I need? Is there maintenance involved with Morpheus8?

Typically, patients will need anywhere between 1 and 3 treatments, with best and maximal results achieved after the third treatment. Results continue to improve for up to 3 weeks following the Morhpeus8 treatment. As with almost everything in life, maintenance is necessary and important in your skincare. Morpheus8, along with other treatments, will set back the aging time clock, not stop it in its tracks. While we cannot stop time, we can slow it down. Good skincare and sun protection will go a long way in prolonging your results. You can expect your results to last as long as you are caring for your skin! Maintenance treatments can be done in as little as 6 months or yearly to continually improve your skin’s texture, tone, and tightness.

Do you have more questions regarding Morpheus8?

With completely customizable treatments, your possibilities to youthfulness are endless! Schedule a consultation with Dr. Gregory Lewen today for your individualized treatment plan.

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