Why should I see an Oculoplastic surgeon for my droopy eyelid surgery?

By Gregory Lewen, MD

Having an oculoplastic surgeon perform your eyelid procedures is the best way to put yourself at ease should an issue with your surgery be encountered. Oculoplastic surgeons are specialty surgeons with a background in ophthalmology who are equipped to address issues within and surrounding the eyes and eyelids that general plastic surgeons are not. Specialty surgeons are also the best option when dealing with more complicated cases, traumas, and reconstructions as well.

Will eyelid surgery change the shape of my eyes?

The goal of eyelid surgery is not to alter the shape of your eyes, rather enhance your natural appearance. However, some unfortunate cases can result in a change to the shape, which in turn, yields for a revision eyelid surgery to restore the natural almond eye appearance. The main and most important goal of all eyelid surgeries is to first protect the health and safety of the eye. There are many risks involved with eyelid surgeries, with the most common being dry eyes post-surgery. If you had a less than ideal result from eyelid surgery or are looking to restore your natural appearance, it may be best to seek input from an Oculofacial Plastic and Reconstructive surgeon.

What age should I have eyelid surgery?

If you have heard that you should only have eyelid surgery done after a certain age, you have heard a myth. The fact is that there is no age limit or restrictions to having eyelid surgery. Many factors come into play when determining if you are a candidate for a blepharoplasty, ptosis repair, canthoplasty, epicanthoplasty, Asian eyelid surgery, or any other type of eyelid procedure. These factors can include but are not limited to genetics, previous eyelid surgery, trauma, significant weight loss, and age-related causes. Genetics play a large role in the younger patients opting to have surgery on their eyelids, while age and loss of elasticity and volume play a large role in more mature patients opting to have surgery. However, the best way to determine if you are a candidate for eyelid surgery is through a consultation with Dr. Lewen.

How much is eyelid surgery in Miami?

Your eyes and eye shape are unique to you, so why wouldn’t your eyelid surgery be? No eyelid surgery is one in the same, nor do we believe it should be approached as such. At Lewen Cosmetic Center we do not perform procedures, especially eyelid surgeries, with a cookie cutter approach. For this reason, the investment of eyelid surgery can vary greatly. The most accurate way to determine what procedure is best for you is through a consultation with Dr. Lewen in Aventura, Florida. We believe that your results should fit your personal cosmetic goals, and we are here to provide you with an option to fit your needs and deliver a more beautiful you!

Am I a candidate for eyelid surgery?

If you have excess skin, hollowing, droopy eyelids, asymmetry, bulging or sunken lids, you may be a candidate for eyelid surgery. However, the best way to determine your customized approach is to schedule a consultation at Lewen Cosmetic Center in north Miami, Florida!


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