Kybella® vs. Liposuction for Double Chin Removal in Miami, FL

By Gregory Lewen, MD

A double or triple chin is an indication of excess fat under the chin and jawline. Even if you are at an ideal weight and follow a healthy lifestyle, toning this area can be challenging because double chins are often linked to genetics. Kybella® and liposuction are two options to eliminate the fat.

How Does Kybella® Reduce Submental Fullness?

Submental fullness describes the appearance of a double chin. Kybella® is an injectable product that contains special enzymes that target fat cells. When the enzymes interact with these cells, they cause the outer membrane to break down, and the contents of the fat cells are released into the bloodstream. Kybella® is a minimally invasive treatment that requires no downtime. Several treatments are needed, and the results can be seen in about 16 weeks.

How is Liposuction Used to Reduce a Double Chin?

Although Kybella® uses chemical processes within the body to destroy fat cells, liposuction is a direct intervention that removes the cells from the subcutaneous tissue. The procedure involves making a small incision in the skin through which a cannula is inserted. The cannula is used to simultaneously loosen and suction out the fat cells. This technique does require some downtime.

Which is Better for Treating a Double Chin – Kybella® or Liposuction?

Kybella® and liposuction are both safe and effective procedures for reducing submental fullness. Choosing one over the other depends on your personal goals.

Find Out How to Treat Your Double Chin at Lewen Cosmetic Surgery

If you have a double chin that cannot be reduced with diet and exercise, learn more about your options at Lewen Cosmetic Surgery. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lewen to discuss Kybella® and liposuction for submental fullness.

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