By Gregory Lewen, MD
Every girl has a “go to” dress, pair of shoes, lipstick, and even a song that adds some pep to her step. I am no exception to this rule, and I routinely make sure that I have a stockpile of these “must-have” items for days when the blahs overcome my mood. Of course, nothing makes me feel better then a fantastic beauty product/treatment. A fantastic beauty product or treatment should have your girlfriends asking why you have a glow, and your boyfriend(s) asking to spend more time with you! My must-haves for beauty products/treatments have some friends intrigued while others are puzzled. Puzzled you ask? Let me explain more:
1. My “go to” for moisturizing lotion is JOHNSON’S® Vanilla Oatmeal Baby Lotion! Before you go and get all weird about the baby smell, it does not smell like the traditional lotion. It has a very faint, light vanilla scent. There is nothing smoother, more moisturizing, and gentler for your skin than a lotion designed for a baby’s skin. I understand the ladies who want to have a nice scented Bath and Body Works lotion, but personally, I want my perfume to shine through, so this works for me perfectly. I use lotion EVERY.SINGLE. TIME. that I take a shower or bath. No I am not crazy, I just HATE dry skin! Not sold yet? Did I mention that this amazing lotion retails for $ 3.99! Enough said….
2. Laser Hair Removal! Yes, it is a costly splurge BUT what woman does not want to have silky smooth legs, underarms, upper lip, etc… I was that girl who never wanted to shave my legs in the winter, who would go an extra day skipping my underarms (why else do you wear long sleeves?) Not anymore! Not happy with my outfit in the morning but scared to wear a dress because I forgot (on purpose) to shave my legs? A thing of the past for me! ($200-$1000 depending on area and number of treatments)
3. Castor Oil…say what? Yes! A home remedy for pimples is castor oil! Since I was little my great grandmother would tell me that if I felt a pimple coming on to immediately dab some castor oil on the area and it would be gone by the following day. It has ALWAYS worked for me! No expensive spot corrector needed for me! I have used this trick for the past couple of decades and have shared it with countless friends who all have had great results! ($6/bottle)
4. IPL Treatment (Photo Rejuvenation or Photo Facial) . IPL is amazing and does 3 amazing things! It addresses underlying redness and dryness in the skin; it really treats to a deeper layer of the skin as opposed to microdermabrasion or a basic chemical peel. Goodbye dry skin and dull appearance! Second it targets those pesky brown, sun spots. Did I mention it also stimulates collagen, this gives your face a tighter feel and a beautiful glow?! ($400 per treatment)