Miami Residents Ask: Is Mohs Surgery Covered by Insurance?

By Gregory Lewen, MD

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, and it affects millions of people in the United States. The Miami area sees a high number of skin cancer cases due to the outdoor lifestyle that makes Florida a popular place to live. If you are diagnosed with skin cancer, Dr. Lewen may recommend Mohs surgery.

What is Mohs Surgery and When Is It Recommended?

Although Dr. Lewen does not perform Mohs surgery himself, he is able to provide patients with highly recommended colleagues who are able to perform the surgery instead. Skin cancer that has not spread to surrounding tissues can be treated through a surgical incision of the abnormal tissues or Mohs surgery. Mohs surgery is highly recommended in most cases because it ensures that only the cancerous cells are removed. Often, this minimizes scarring and ensures patients of positive prognosis in the cancer treatments. The technique that is used for Mohs surgery is referred to as micrographic surgery. The surgeon removes thin layers of tissues from the lesion and studies it under a microscope. If the surgeon detects cancer cells in the tissues, another layer is removed and evaluated for the presence of cancer cells. This process continues until the surgeon removes a thin layer of tissue that is free of any cancerous cells. The wound that is left on the skin is treated with techniques that minimize scarring and preserve the aesthetics as much as possible.

Once this is done, Dr. Lewen will perform any reconstruction procedures that are necessary to areas of the eyes or face that have been affected by Mohs surgery. Dr. Lewen and his staff will continue to closely monitor your healing progress following the Mohs surgery and skin reconstruction.

Considerations for Insurance Coverage of Mohs Surgery

The cost of Mohs surgery can be expensive, so insurance coverage is an important consideration. Fortunately, Mohs surgery is a medical procedure, and it is not considered an elective even though it does provide some cosmetic benefits. Micrographic surgery has become a standard procedure under insurance policies, so it is covered in most cases. We do advise our patients that they should check with their insurance carriers directly, and we are happy to provide any details that will help you explain the medical necessity of the procedure. Even if your Mohs surgery is covered, you may have some out-of-pocket expenses to consider before having the procedure.

What If Insurance Doesn’t Cover Mohs Surgery?

If your insurance does cover any or all the cost for your Mohs surgery, we may have some options to help you afford the cost. We work with CareCredit® to offer our patient’s financing options that fit their budgets.

Learn More About Mohs Surgery at Lewen Cosmetic Surgery

If you have been diagnosed with skin cancer or have an unusual lesion that you need to have evaluated for skin cancer, contact Lewen Cosmetic Surgery to schedule a consultation. Dr. Lewen will determine if your skin cancer can be treated with Mohs surgery, and we can assist you with finding out if the procedure is covered by insurance.

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