Non-Surgical Jawline Enhancement

What is Jawline Augmentation?

Jawline augmentation is recommended for patients who may benefit from added volume along the jawline. The procedure gives the jawline a fuller appearance with softer contours.

What is Jawline Reduction?

For patients who feel that their jawline is too pronounced or inconsistent, Dr. Lewen may recommend jawline reduction, such as non-surgical facial slimming, also known as masseter reduction.

A woman with long brown hair lies on an exam table, wearing a white blouse, looking to the side towards the doctor. The doctor, wearing white latex gloves, gently frames the woman's face with both hands, focusing on the examination. - Reconstruction after MOHS Surgery in Aventura, FL

What Should I Expect from a Non-Surgical Jawline Procedure?

During the consultation, Dr. Lewen evaluates the patient’s jawline to determine if jawline augmentation or jawline reduction would improve facial harmony and balance. Based on his findings, he recommends the most appropriate technique, which may include the use of dermal fillers and injectables.

What is the Recovery like After Non-Surgical Jawline Enhancement?

Non-surgical jawline enhancement requires minimal to no downtime. Side effects of the injections are minor and uncommon and may include swelling, tenderness, and bruising that lasts about one to two days.


Non-Surgical Jawline Enhancement Cost

How Much Does Non-Surgical Jawline Enhancement Cost in Miami?

The cost of non-surgical jawline enhancement in Miami varies on a number of factors as it’s customized to the needs of the patient. Prior to your consultation, you can review our financing options so that you have a manageable budget in mind.


What Are the Benefits of a Non-Surgical Jawline Procedure?

  • Minimal to no downtime
  • Requires no permanent changes to bone structure
  • Non-surgical
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